22. 3 Lessons That 2020 Taught Us

We’re back and excited for season 2! 2020 was tough for all of us. The entire world experienced the same fear, hopelessness and  uncertainty. Join us as we process our triumphs, losses and teachable moments from 2020. We’re also excited to announce the launch of The Culture Talk Community, a private facebook group for intercultural/interacial couples! Our desire is to create a vibrant and safe place in which you can ask questions, meet other couples and grow together. 


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  • 2020 Highlights for the Mushayamundas
  • 2020 Challenges for the Mushayamundas

The Lessons That We Learned From 2020:

  1. Champion Empathy
    • “For me, Christina, I realized I needed to champion empathy with people who I felt like did NOT have empathy towards what we were experiencing. I realized I was harsh in my attitude and some of the words I said towards people I disagreed with.”
    • 2020 taught us that we do not know what tomorrow holds. To hold on to those that we love closely and to pursue our very passions to make an impact. 
  2. Love extravagantly 
  3. Seek community

Resources mentioned:


Instagram – @theculturetalkcollective

Facebook – @theculturetalkcollective

Check out this episode!

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