24. The 10 Dos and Don’ts for Intercultural Relationships

Whether you’re dating or married, there is an added layer of nuances and protocols that most intercultural couples have to navigate through. In this episode, Pai and Christina share tips on navigating intercultural relationships. By no means is this a comprehensive list, but here are ten pointers that will help you thrive in your relationship!


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  1. Try new foods.
  2. Ask questions. 
  3. Be patient in your communication. 
  4. Learn your partner’s language. 
  5. Celebrate your differences.


  1. Address your in-laws by their first name. (Unless they initiate it or their culture permits!)
  2. Don’t make assumptions. 
  3. Let your partner be the museum guide for their culture.
  4. Be a Culture SteamRoller.  
  5. Don’t say that something in someone’s culture is wrong. 


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Instagram – @theculturetalkcollective

Facebook – @theculturetalkcollective

Website – theculturetalkcollective.com

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