Episode 14: Navigating Race in an Intercultural Relationship

In this episode, Pai and Christina talk about the challenges and joys of being in an interracial relationship. They share some personal experiences and how they have grown individually and as a couple.


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  • Black History is American History. Don’t relegate the beautiful history of black Americans into a single month. Instead, make it a part of your every day. It’s also common to associate the Black History narrative with only stories of slavery and that’s not the full story. There are countless Black men and women who portray strength, power, and dignity. It’s vital that we include stories that inspire us! 
  • Race adds another layer to the cultural complexity of our relationship. We have had to be intentional in making sure that we both understood that our relationship would take lots of work.
  • While on a walk while they were dating, Christina realized that their relationship would not be approved by everyone.  
  • The joys and hardships of being in an interracial relationship
  •   Resources for further education


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